
Personal Development Workbooks (Available soon in downloadable PDF format. Coaching available to support you as you learn the techniques taught in these books.)

  • Pen, Power & Possibilities: A Guided Journaling Experience to Expand the Horizons of Your Life.   Learn 15 journaling techniques which will have you asking and answering 10 simple, but life-altering questions. These questions and the 19 journaling exercises that you complete will introduce new ways of thinking about your past, present and future. Master journaling techniques such as as little lists, flow writing, unsent letters, personal timelines, symbolic thinking, montage, timed writing and dialogues.  Ask simple, but powerful questions including: What if? Who am I? Where am I? How am I limiting myself? Why Not?  This self-paced workbook is 120 pages.
  • Time: Tyrant or Treasure: 11 Steps to Embracing Life in all its MessinessIs  the stress of striving for perfection and fixing all the mistakes of your imperfect friends and family sending you over the edge?  This workbook offers a light-hearted, but practical 11-step approach to help overly serious perfectionists and workaholics embrace life in all its messiness. Is Time an an ogre standing at the foot of your bed ready to hit you over the head with a giant to-do list?   Using tools such as  “planned spontaneity,” “possibility lists” and “adult play therapy,” you will learn to transform Time into a bottomless treasure chest of possibilities that you open each morning and take out what you need to make the day calm, stress-free and joyous.
  • Going Gracefully: Developing an Exit Strategy. Leave your job with dignity, and transition successfuly into the next phase of your jobYou’ve decided ot leave your job. You’re making a career change, going back to school, or perhaps getting ready to retire. Maybe you job left you or you’re being “downsized.” Regardless of the why, in the near future you will be walking out the door of your organization or business for the last time. You are on the threshold. You can take steps to “go gracefully” by using this workbook to create an exit strategy that will enable you to walk away from your job with your head held high and your mind focused on the possibilities that await you in the next phase of your life. A graceful exit it a gift you give to yourself and those you leave behind. Start creating this gift now.

 Meditations (available in downloadable PDF manuscript format)

  • Called to Be: An Alphabetical Book of Meditation. In 26 brief reflections, Kathleen King offers a thoughtful and thought-provoking journey though a spiritual alphabet of “being.” She suggests that before God calls us to do, God calls us to be; that right action arises out of right being. Drawing on her own spiritual journey from a rigid, fear-ridden, judgmental religion to a hope-filled, joyous spirituality, she shares what she has learned of a loving, playful God who invites us to life of possibilities. In down-to-earth language, with real-life examples, she takes the reader from Awake to Zealous, with 24 other steps through places of “being,” such as Courageous, Empty, Innocent, Molded, Playful, Visionary, eXposed. Each meditation is headed with a related scriptural text and is followed by suggestions for ways to try each way of being, suggestions for journal reflection, and ideas for further reading and contemplation.
  • Called to Become (in progress)