Personal Growth Workshops

The personal growth workshops offered by the Power of Possibiliteis cover topics such as personal visioning, creative thinking, journaling, creative writing, and rethinking your relationship with time.

The workshops vary in length from a one, two, or three-hour session to multi-part programs presented over several weeks. All workshops can be adapted for any group or organization that wishes to sponsor them.

Manuals and workbooks used in the workshops will soon be available for purchase through this website.  Any programs offered by The Power of Possibilities can be adapted for individual study with support by a coach or tutor.

Personal Growth Workshops

Pen, Power & Possibilities: A Guided Journaling Experience to Expand the Horizons of Your Life.

This guided journaling experience will help you expand the horizons of your life. During the workshop you will begin to recognize what is holding you back from acting on the possibilities in your life, and start to take steps to face the fear of saying yes to those possibilities.  In the process you will learn easy, fun and creative journaling techniques you can use to think through any type of question or issue, such as little lists, timed writing, symbolic thinking, flow writing, and dialoguing. Participants receive a copy of the 120-page workbook.

Workbook will soon be available as a downloadable PDF.


Time: Tyrant or Treasure? 11 Steps to Embracing Life in all its Messiness

This light-hearted, but practical 11-step approach will help overly serious perfectionists and workaholics embrace life in all its messiness.  Learn to live with imperfection in yourself and others by using tools such as “planned spontaneity,” “possibility lists” and “adult play therapy.” You will rework your relationship with Time so that it becomes a bottomless treasure chest of possibilities that you open each morning and take out what you need to make the day calm, stress-free and joyous. Participants receive copy of workbook.

Workbook will soon be available as downloadable PDF format. 


The Invisible Bridge: Crossing the Chasm of Fear.

Every one of us at some point in our career has come to the edge of a precipice that separates us from where we are now and where we want to be and has stared into the yawning chasm of fear. Whether it’s applying for a promotion, speaking up more often in meetings, pursuing more challenging projects on the job, standing up for yourself and your ideas, or learning a new work-related skill, we are stopped, unable to find a way across that chasm of fear. Learn how to see the invisible bridge that already lies there at your feet, spanning the gap between now and your goals and take your first step toward achieving them.  Identify what career goals, roles or projects you have not pursued because of fear; recognize internal and external resources you already have that will help you create a bridge to your future; and, develop a simple, three-step action plan and design a first step which will take you across the “invisible bridge.”